Classes for wet days…
It can be so easy to sit down at night, get warm and cosy, look at the rain out of the window and think – you know what, i give a class a miss tonight.
Everyone has these thoughts, even the most dedicated in their chosen field.
What makes the difference is those who push those thoughts aside, get up, get out the door and head to training.
It’s clichè but the saying goes “the only workout you regret, is the one you missed” is very true.
I guarantee within a minute or so of being at this Evolution Martial Arts and Fitness academy and moving around, you will be in the zone and you are glad that you have came.
You have got to meet us halfway though…
We can’t help you achieve your goals, get fit and feel great if you don’t show up to training.
We provide all the training classes ready for you, now it’s down to you guys to show up, train and have fun.
It’s a two way street.
So even though the weather’s grim, the nights are cold and dark and it’s easy to sit in front of the Netflix.
Get up, get out, get moving and come and see us for a workout and have crazy fun with us!
Book your free trial and come along to one of our classes…..