Evolution Martial Arts & Fitness Academy

Unit 27 Flexspace Cheney Manor, Pembroke Centre, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 2PQ.

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Tel: 08000614641

Mobile: 07511218546

Out Of Shape Masters and Role Models

Why is there so many martial arts teachers/instructors are so out of shape in UK?

I am only going on what I have personally seen but I have seen quite a few martial arts instructors who have the body of a typical UK dad huge bellies, very little muscle.

I would have thought part of the teachings would include self discipline and rigorous physical training which would inevitably lead to a healthy, functional/efficient body type but this doesn’t seem to be the case.

Why is this?

There are variety of factors that could be involved:

Age, metabolism, old injuries?

Time, teaching/coaching athletics which they rarely have enough time to themselves?

Families and responsibilities?

Lack of discipline?

Lack of motivation or support?

The list just goes on and on….

But what I do know is, if you are representing your school, then you need to make an everlasting impression to your customers or students.

Alot of people don’t like the truth and this may hurt their feelings but unfortunately in reality, when you going to meet and greet your customers, they want to see someone they can look up to and be inspired.

Wouldn’t you like to shake someones hand or greet them and they look at you and they thinking, what is going on? are you running a fitness company as well?

No, the answer is we have a coaching academy and we take care of ourselves and we are here to also take care of you too.

This is what we do, we are the proven product of our Martial Arts Academy.

What you see is what you get.

There is nothing more rewarding than meeting people and knowing that you leave a massive impact in their lives when they come to terms and realised that they want to achieve their goals and follow your footpath.

This is what I call “Being inspirational”

No one is going to hang around or stay in your class if they don’t feel they have something or someone to look up to and feel unmotivated and knowing you can’t help them change their future for the better.

After all, isn’t what being martial art Instructor is about? Helping people change for the better and being inspired?

I am pretty sure if I was going to sit down with someone and explain about fitness and nutrition on their martial arts journey, wouldn’t you think they are going to take me seriously?

Of course they will!

We are the proven product and we want to help you!

We are passionate as hell and this burning desire will reflect on you and you are going to feel it which will leave a massive dent in your head.

This is called “Impact”

I have personally seen people with serious weight issues struggled before they started my academy and now they are smashing it which I thought was simply awesome!

I personally seen people with low confidence and mental health issues to a better version of themselves!

It is very powerful… seeing the impact you can give by simply just taking care of yourself and showing the community and the world that anyone can do it with the right support and being the proven product of your Academy.

Book your free trial at Evolution Martial Arts and Fitness Academy….

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