45mins or even one hour Martial Arts class consisting of warming up, fundamentals, forms and self defence applications is a long time for young children to maintain their focus.
For this reason, for the past 8 years that I have been teaching young children, I blend the general class with exciting and challenging games as well.
These games are great to stimulate a sense of fun and enjoyment. This adds variety and sustains interest, keeping the lessons “fresh”.
All the games I incorporate in the lesson are related to Martial Arts. They practice attributes such as balance, flexibility, strength and speed of movement.
I believe these activities are important to compensate the high “drop off” rate in Martial Arts, as the rate of progress is relatively slow compared to other sports or activities.
Martial Arts is taught at Evolution Martial Arts and Fitness Academy, children begin with basic level and later progress to more advance training.
We want children to reap the empowering benefits of Martial Arts as they grow and mature.
These benefits include outstanding self-confidence and physical dexterity that can be utilized in other sports, improved physique and self-defence awareness.
One of our greatest endeavours in life is simple pleasure, of feeling good, human beings of all ages love to be entertained and to entertain. One of the greatest and easiest ways of entertaining ourselves is to simply have fun and play games.
Book your free trial at Evolution Martial Arts and Fitness Academy and start seeing progress in your Childs confidence…