Evolution Martial Arts & Fitness Academy

Unit 27 Flexspace Cheney Manor, Pembroke Centre, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 2PQ.

Book a FREE Trial Lesson

Tel: 08000614641

Mobile: 07511218546


1. Write down your fitness goals

There is nothing quite like putting pen to paper when it comes to setting fitness goals! 

It is proven that you will be more likely to succeed when expressing your goals in written form, as opposed to typing them out on a phone or laptop. 

We also believe that people who take time to visualise & describe their fitness goals in detail are way more likely to be successful in accomplishing their goals than people who don’t. 

So once those fitness goals are on paper, sit back and imagine yourself living them in 2024!

2. Set realistic fitness goals

We know your imagination runs wild and energy is high in the New Year. You are more than likely just had time off over the festive season and feeling more energised & motivated than ever, but that feeling doesn’t last the entire year unless you are Super Man/Woman. 

Make sure your fitness goals for 2024 are intentional and realistic to achieve in the next 12 months.

3. Pace yourself

All great things take time. 

Don’t rush your 2024 fitness journey. 

Remember that unless you are been training non-stop throughout the festive season, you are probably not as fit as you were before taking the much needed break. 

Start slow and add in additional training sessions per week as you start getting fitter. 

For example, set your goal of exercising 3 times per week. After a month or two, you may feel ready to include another session into your week. After another few months, you may want to include an additional workout. 

It takes time to get fit so don’t put too much pressure on yourself when you start!

4. Add your training sessions into your weekly plan

Whether you are at University, a full-time mom or work a 9 to 5 job – make sure you have time for the amount of sessions you are committing to, and then show that commitment by planning each session into your week, just as you would a doctor’s appointment or a grocery shop. 

If you leave it up to fate – I can guarantee you it won’t happen!!

Remember – you deserve this time to put yourself first!

5. Track your progress

This is one of the most valuable tools you can use. Tracking your progress is key to staying motivated! 

Taking monthly progress photos of yourself is a great way to track how far you have come in just a few months. 

This will keep you motivated and accountable by tracking your progress & personalised habits. It also has a Journal section so you can keep tabs about how you are feeling throughout your fitness journey. 

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health!

6. Become a part of a community

There is nothing sweeter and more motivating than being a part of a community of men/women who support you and your goals! 

Facebook group is perfect way if you are looking for advice, inspiration or just want to chat with like-minded men/women. 

There is no better time to join the Evolution Martial Arts and Fitness Academy! 

If a group is really not your thing – grab a friend and make them your accountability buddy.

7. Find something you enjoy doing

The more you enjoy your workouts, the more you will do them and the more progress you will make. 

There is something so liberating about pushing yourself through a workout, whilst still enjoying it. 

This will keep you on your toes and still allow you to enjoy all the workouts we offer. 

Our Evolution Martial Arts and Fitness Academy will tell you just how much fun we make exercising!

8. Commit to a progressive program

Evolution Martial Arts and Fitness Academy specialises in creating science-based progressive programs that will get you results. 

If you are new to training, want to get back on track to reach your 2024 fitness goals or simply just want to start the New Year with a BANG! 

The 4 week course at Evolution Martial Arts and Fitness Academy is for you! 

Staying on track with your fitness goals in 2024 has never been easier with our follow along, workouts that keep you motivated throughout the entire sessions.

9. Nail your nutrition

Nutrition has a huge part to play in reaching your fitness goals. 

Eating healthy shouldn’t be complicated, we have you covered for all your health. We don’t believe in cutting anything out of your diet because balance is key to keeping you on track.

10. Make sleep a priority

Get into the habit of a bedtime routine. 

Put your phone down, light a candle and spend some time reading to wind down after a busy day. 

We know how difficult it can be to take time out, but it is do-able if you schedule it in – just like you do your workouts. 

Taking 30 minutes to relax before bedtime can dramatically improve your sleep. 

Not only will you wake up in a better mood, but you will also have more energy for your daily workouts. 

Try to aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

11. Take rest days

Rest days are vitally important in order to avoid a burn-out, that may end up setting you back. 

Rest is crucial to avoid injuries, as well as build lean muscle and keep you functioning optimally for months & years to come. 

Our biggest piece of advice – listen to your body! 

If you feel like you need a rest day – take it. 

Look after your body. 

It is the greatest gift you will ever have!

Evolution Martial Arts and Fitness Academy has your back in 2024, and every year after that! 

With our intense workouts and structured progressive workout plans, it is the perfect way to change your life, achieve your fitness goals and make progress in 2024! 

We would love to be a part of your fitness journey and your goals.

Book your free trial at Evolution Martial Arts and Fitness Academy…

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