Evolution Martial Arts & Fitness Academy

Unit 27 Flexspace Cheney Manor, Pembroke Centre, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 2PQ.

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Tel: 08000614641

Mobile: 07511218546


I get asked a lot about motivation and how do I keep it up and achieving my goals?
This question really baffles me the amount of people I have been asked
I can tell you a really simple answer…
I don’t get motivated everyday…
I am the same as everyone else when I get my days feeling down, depressed, bored, fed up, unmotivated, too tired, don’t have enough time, etc etc
This boils all down to how I deal with my unmotivated day that defines me!
Not train when I am motivated which is once a week or once a month or once a year or when it suits me….
I use my negative energy in my workout that brings motivation back in me.
That is what separates from the regular and the GREAT…
How do you think great sport person train to be the best version of themselves?
I can assure you it’s not just motivation….
I can quite easily give all this up and watch Netflix all day and eat crap food and blame everything, making excuses and feeling sorry for myself…
But I won’t….
Because i know the only person that is going to be let down is MYSELF!
I use bad days as my greatest challenge to rise against the rival and overcome it…
The question is…
How are you going to face your bad days and how you deal with it that defines you….

Come along to our Evolution Martial Arts and Fitness Academy and start getting motivated with US!

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